Making Chai from a Cosmic Ocean

Welcome to the explorers, the dreamers, the givers and the ones who live with eyes and hearts wide open.

Thanks for visiting my page. This is my way of exploring the thoughts and images that summon joy, counter despair and generally make life worth living. My hope is that they will inspire you to look more closely for the things in your own life that do the same.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at : makingchaifromacosmicocean(at)

Please note the content of the website is copyright and should not be used without consent.

What’s new today?

A midnight clear

After days of clear skies and sunshine, that have been gifted on the first days of the new year of 2025. Waking at midnight, the brightness outside calls to to look for a moon. There is none. Instead there is the inky horizon of night sky, dotted with a plankton sparkle of stars in sharp …


Women dig for diamonds in coal,hoping these lumps of pyrolyzed menwill keep their carbon promise. Accepting their sedimentary excuseswhile the heat smoulders beneath,while the revised lines in love lettersseem shiny and new. But this old story – written on paper-chains –has been well-read and dog-eared,and its links ignite easily in fire.The real thing’s bound in …