Too long since the last post. And, I just realized that the contact email address I’d set up in 2020 didn’t work anymore because messages weren’t being delivered, so that’s been updated on the main page. Good intentions to post more often, but life, gardens and a broken arm are a challenge. Just to overcome inertia, here are a few random thoughts I have thunk over the years – do with them as ye will!
I can be light, or I can be blind. It is merely a matter of choice.
Seek knowledge for joy, not power. Agendas corrupt knowledge with their quest for control.
Anything goes when you’re being metaphorical.
Pigeons peck at a square of broken bread, and commune with the offering of apology and yearning.
Ego is a defence. With compassion I no longer crave approval, and instead I seek to align myself with the universe.
Pictures do say a thousand words but first you have to learn their language.
Love yourself. You will always be there for yourself. Love yourself for being vulnerable. It’s okay to hurt, it’s not a permanent condition.
Clarity doesn’t assign blame. Clarity encourages conscious evaluation and constructive response. Blame is a way of avoiding action and staying trapped. Blame is fear based. Fear destroys.
You use the cleaning thing to clean the thing but how do you clean the thing that cleans?
Misery demands an audience; courage consoles itself in silence.
Beauty is a reflection.