In-between Winter-Spring

First, a shout out for my son’s website. If anyone reads this, looking for a super tech support guy, he’s it! His website:

Otherwise it’s just a waiting game for winter to end. Snow melts away, grass starts greening, crocuses poke little green spikes out to smell the air, then it snows again.

Makes it easy to see the rat tracks up the yard and across the deck though. Some of them have pretty big feet. Grandpa rats.

The baby chicks arrived two weeks ago, on good Friday. Dan said one looked like a Reeces peanut butter cup, Isabel said the other one looked like a Peeps. They are growing fast, and fly well considering how young they are. They’ve been spoiled though, living the good life in the house, the food and water plentiful, exercise out of the cage in the evening. They like to fly up from my shoulders to sit on top of my head.

The other pets are interested, but haven’t really tried to attack them when I have them out. Luna will even sit on my lap when they are on my shoulders. Wouldn’t trust them unsupervised though. Tigger is the most intrigued.

Anyhow, I’ll post a few recent, random pics here for fun. Been a while.

Reece and Peep at 3 days
Reece and Peep at 1 week
Sunset across the road
and the setting moon
Killer icicles