My sweet cat Noelle passed away last night, November 5, 2021, just before 6:00 p.m. Her pain is gone now, this I have to believe, and she is finally at rest. We placed her in a spot beneath the apple tree, right next to my daughter’s kitty Finn, and together, I imagine, they will bask in the sunshine and prance through the dappled shade, on another plane of existence. Au revoir, Noelle and thank you for the memories.
I miss her. I miss seeing her in her favourite spot on the couch where I would give her a rub on the head in the morning. I miss hearing her clanking the water bowls because she wanted them filled up more. I didn’t realize how much I relied on her reminder until I noticed them empty and dry after supper this evening. I miss her sitting on the kitchen table and poking her head through the blinds to look outside. Even though the ends are broken off of three strips. I miss the softness of her fur, and the way she finally, in the last months of her life, wanted to cuddle in my lap in the evening.
We were together for 15 years. She chose our home one Christmas day, made her presence known on the back porch with a clatter, and walked right in when I opened the door. We couldn’t find out where she came from, and so she stayed with us.
She was a protector, stalking bugs and mice around the house, weaving a web of safety around my legs while I waited for the bus in the morning. She was a quiet presence that would sit at your side, always on her own terms. She was fierce and independent. Anyone who says that cats, or any animal for that matter, do not have a soul and the capacity for thought and determination, never took the time to see it.
Our dog Buddy will miss her too. He loved her, mostly because she would tolerate his attention and intrusive kisses. His eyes were sad as he watched her lying still in my lap. He sensed she was not well, and tried to heal her the only way he knew, by licking her face, her head and her ears.
I am not sure how to end this. It will take a while to adjust to her absence. There have been too many changes over the past few weeks. This one is the hardest.